Resolution to Approve a Contract with Aquatic Source, LLC for the Mack Indoor Pool Improvements Project ($143,500.00, ITB No. 4577) and Appropriate Funds (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review is a resolution to approve a $143,500.00 contract between Aquatic Source, LLC and the City of Ann Arbor for the Mack Indoor Pool
Improvements Project.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Funding is available from two sources:
1. $35,875.00 from revenue received from the Ann Arbor Public Schools, paid annually into a capital facilities balance sheet account earmarked for Mack Pool.
2. $129,125.00 in the approved FY2019 Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage budget.
The new filtration, UV treatment and pump system are anticipated to reduce General Fund operating costs by approximately $3,000.00 annually. The new system will provide more efficient back washing of the filter, resulting in decreased water usage, chemical treatment and pool heating demands. Also, the main pool pump will receive a variable frequency drive, allowing for a reduction in electrical demand when the pool is not in use.
Project Description
The Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan identifies maintenance of the recreation facilities as a priority. Following a recent inspection of the pool facilities, Mack Pool was identified as having mechanical systems that are approximately 29 years old, and at risk of a major failure. This project will replace the major mechanical components of the pool including the sand filter and main pump, as well as add a low pressure UV treatment system to improve the pool atmosphere. Minor improvements will also be made to the existing tile surfaces within the pool.
The project meets multiple sustainability goals:
? Active living and learning
? Safe community
? Energy conservation
? Responsible resource use
The contract documents for the project were bid through the City's Procurement Unit following standard procedures. On April 18, 2019, three bids w...
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