Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Resource Recycling Systems, Inc. for the Drop Off Station Project Design ($255,490.00)
Your approval is requested to authorize a Professional Services Agreement with Resource Recycling Systems, Inc, (RRS) in the amount of $255,490.00 for site design and construction oversight for a new regional Drop-Off Station (DOS).
The current DOS is built on the City's closed landfill, which has caused the building to settle and become structurally unstable. The facility must be demolished, and a new DOS built in a different location. The City, working with Washtenaw County and Recycle Ann Arbor, applied for, and was awarded an $850,000.00 grant from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for design and construction of a DOS. RRS has been selected to be the design consultant for the project. Acceptance of this grant and approval of a grant agreement is covered in a separate Council resolution.
The DOS promotes a circular economy by providing an outlet for residents to manage unwanted materials by diverting, reusing, and recycling to a higher and best use. The new DOS will have increased access and diversion services and serve communities throughout Washtenaw County. The work is supported by regional municipalities, institutions, and Washtenaw County.
In our partnership with Washtenaw County on this project, RRS has completed significant related work on this project since 2008; therefore, has institutional knowledge of the project that makes the firm best positioned complete the work within the timeline. Specifically, RRS has completed previous planning documents related to a new DOS, including a 2008 preliminary site plan detailing the location, features, and potential uses of a new DOS in relation to the approved Swift Run Service Center Planned Unit Development RZ 04-1 with Pittsfield Township, and a 2017 Waste Diversion Site Feasibility Study. RRS will comple...
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