Resolution to Reappoint the DDA Executive Committee
Whereas, The DDA Executive Committee is designated by DDA bylaws with its members specified as being the officers of the Board including the Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary;
Whereas, Per DDA bylaws, the Executive Committee shall also include the last former Chair as a non-voting member and the Executive Director as a non-voting ex officio member;
Whereas, The bylaws call for the Executive Committee to fix the hours and place of meetings, make recommendations the Board, and perform such other duties as specified;
RESOLVED, The DDA Executive Committee voting members shall be the DDA Chair, the DDA Vice-Chair, and the DDA Treasurer;
RESOLVED, The DDA Executive Committee non-voting members shall be the DDA Recording Secretary, the last former Chair, and the Executive Director;
RESOLVED, Any authorizations previously granted by the Board to other Board and advisory committees may be carried out by the Executive Committee in the absence of the other committee or if prudence or expediency requires it.