An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Map, Being a Part of Section 5.10.2 of Chapter 55 of Title V of the Code of the City of Ann Arbor, Rezoning of 1.06 Acres from R4C (Multiple-Family Residential District) to PUD (Planned Unit Development), 711 Church PUD Zoning and Supplemental Regulations (CPC Recommendation: Denial - 2 Yeas and 5 Nays) (ORD-24-05)
Approval of this ordinance will rezone six lots at the southeast corner of Willard Street and Church Street with a combined total of 46,302 square feet from R4C (Multiple-Family Dwelling) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) and adopt Supplemental Regulations to allow a high-rise, multiple-family building including sustainability features and required affordable housing. A site plan to develop a high-rise building varying from 12 to 17 stories with 273 apartments will be scheduled separately.
There are eight standards for PUD zoning district approval set forth in Section 5.29.11 of the Unified Development Code. Each standard is presented with analysis beginning on page 4 of the February 6, 2024 Planning Staff Report, attached. A more concise analysis is provided here.
1. The use(s), physical characteristics, design features or amenities proposed have a beneficial effect for the City.
The purported beneficial effects are: sustainability (LEED Gold certification, electrification, renewable energy, and passive house technologies); affordable housing (2% more than the minimum required); density, reducing urban sprawl, reduced vehicle travel; and public amenities.
Staff find this standard has not been met. These features could warrant approval but the degree and extent of benefits are not proportional to the petition. The petition seeks ten times the dwelling unit density as permitted in the underlying R4C district while offering the same benefits, some to a lesser extent, as comparably sized by-right developments or other PUD petitions of lesser density increases. For example, affordable housing is p...
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