Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to SAK Construction, LLC ($5,946,305.00, Bid No. ITB-4693) for the 2020 & 2021 Sewer Lining Project
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a contract to SAK Construction, LLC, in the amount of $5,946,305.00, for the 2020 & 2021 Sewer Lining Project.
This project includes lining approximately 65,000 feet of sanitary and storm sewer at multiple locations throughout the City, as well as contingencies to repair or maintain segments of pipe where lining is not feasible. In addition, the project will line 50 sanitary sewer manholes to aid in limiting stormwater infiltration into the sanitary sewer system. Those locations are combined into one contract for efficiency and cost savings. The project locations were identified by City staff as in critical need of repair.
Lining is a "trenchless" technology that enables pipe repair or maintenance without disturbing the surface above. During lining, new material is pumped into the existing pipe, creating a new pipe inside the existing one. The process is not only cost effective but eliminates the need for extensive excavation and lengthy traffic control measures, thereby minimizing traffic disruption. The project is expected to begin in January 2022.
In response to the Invitation to Bid (ITB-4693), four (4) bids were received on October 20, 2021. The low bid from SAK Construction, LLC. of $7,113,816.00 is approximately $1,200,000.00 over the Engineer's Estimate. Although the Engineer's Estimate was based on recent bid prices, it did not include several factors specific to this project, such as the location of portions of the project in the downtown area and the current cost of styrene-free liner material. In addition, access to portions of the sewer and flow control will require additional work by the contractor.
The amount budgeted to this project from the Stormwater Fund was inadequate to cover the entire amount of storm sewer work in ...
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