Resolution to Approve Bulk Chemical Purchases for Sodium Hypochlorite (JCI Jones Chemical - $103,000.00/yr), Hydrofluosilicic Acid (Carus Corporation- approximately $23,000.00/yr), and Pebble Quicklime (Carmeuse Lime, approximately $622,000.00/yr) for the Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants (estimated $748,000.00/yr)
Your approval is requested to authorize the purchase of bulk chemicals - sodium hypochlorite, hydrofluosilicic acid, and pebble quicklime-used in treatment processes at the water and wastewater treatment plants.
In 2017, bids were obtained through the Mid-Michigan Drinking Water Consortium Bulk Chemicals Bid. The Mid Michigan Consortium was formed in 2014 by utilities in the mid-Michigan area that soften drinking water with quicklime to address chemical supply quality, competitive pricing, and residual disposal. The Consortium members include: Lansing Board of Water and Light; City of Battle Creek; City of Jackson; City of Howell; City of Ann Arbor; City of Fenton; East Lansing Meridian Water & Sewer Authority; Plainfield Township; City of Owosso; Marion-Howell-Osceola-Genoa Water Authority; and Tri-County Regional Planning Commission.
The Water Treatment Plant uses sodium hypochlorite to maintain disinfection of drinking water in the distribution system. The estimated cost of this chemical for FY18 is $103,000.00/yr for approximately 850 tons.
Sodium Hypochlorite bids were as follows:
JCI Jones Chemical
ton (wet)
Olin Corp (KA Steel)
PVS Nolwood
Carus Corporation
Rowell Chemical
The Centers for Disease Control has established that 0.7 mg/L of fluoride in drinking water is safe, healthy, and effective for preventing tooth decay. The City's source water contains approximately 0.3 mg/L of fluoride. The City uses hydrofluosilicic acid to adjust the fluoride level to meet Center for Disease Control's recommendation. The estimated cost of this chemical fo...
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