Resolution to Accept and Approve a Grant from the Michigan Department of State for New Election Day Vote Tabulators and Accessible Ballot Marking Devices from Hart InterCivic through Funding from the Help America Vote Act ($355,256.78) and to Approve Acquisition of Additional Equipment and Supplies ($106,200.00)
Attached is a resolution to accept and approve a Michigan Department of State grant for new Election Day equipment acquired from the County-selected vendor, InterCivic. The resolution also requests approval of acquisition of additional equipment to meet the City allocation of equipment and back-up equipment needs.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: No matching funds are required under the grant award. The County Clerk will be covering the full cost of implementation and training that is not covered through the grant. The City Clerk planned and budgeted for matching funds anticipated for the implementation of new voting equipment in the approved FY18 General Capital Fund. Since the State has determined it will not require matching funds for this grant, sufficient funding for the additional equipment and supplies is available in the approved FY18 General Capital Fund.
Through a competitive RFP process, the Michigan Secretary of State approved three vendors to provide new voting equipment for the State of Michigan, including vote counting tabulators and accessible ballot marking devices. The grant-funded equipment will replace the City’s existing AccuVote tabulators and AutoMARK accessible ballot marking devices, and will be purchased by the Secretary of State using the State’s remaining federal HAVA funds and other State appropriated funding. The State authorized Michigan’s County Clerks to select their preferred vendor from the following approved vendors: Election Systems and Software, Dominion, and Hart InterCivic. ES&S is the current vendor of the AutoMARK and Dominion is the vendor of the AccuVote. Hart is new to Michigan.
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