Resolution to Approve Ann Arbor Housing Commission Eviction Prevention and Emergency Response Request for Assistance and Appropriate $200,000.00 (8 Votes Required)
As of March 23, 2020, HUD had issued very few regulatory concessions and no additional funding for HUD programs. None of the concessions impact the Ann Arbor Housing Commission (AAHC) programs. The only guidance HUD has given is to commit to continue providing funding and to answer questions about eligible expenditures related to a COVID-19 response using current under-funded resources. AAHC expects that to change in the next couple weeks and at a minimum believes Congress and the President will allocate additional resources to HUD to prevent evictions and to assist with increased costs related to the COVID-19 crisis.
As of March 23, 2020, the AAHC offices are closed to the public and all staff are working from home except for property managers and maintenance staff who must still respond, as needed, to urgent and emergency problems. The AAHC currently has enough disinfectant and cleaning supplies to last for several months if we only need to respond to our usual urgent and emergency issues.
The AAHC is coordinating with our non-profit service providers to discontinue group activities, but they are still responding to emergencies, particularly health, safety, and food security.
The main phone line at 734-794-6720 is still operational. The AAHC has added locked drop boxes for tenants and voucher participants to drop off paperwork and rent checks and the AAHC has added unlocked boxes for our recipients to get paperwork in case they do not have access to a computer. Otherwise, AAHC is continuing operations through fax, mail, phone and email.
The biggest concerns for AAHC are: future evictions due to loss of income, food security for homebound households, and our ability to respond if there is an outbreak of COVID-19 at our properties, particularly Miller Manor and Baker Commons as...
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