Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Michigan, Inc. to Update the City's 2012 Hazard Mitigation Plan ($142,725)
The attached resolution seeks approval for a professional services agreement with Stantec Consulting Michigan, Inc. for development of a FEMA-approved Hazard Mitigation Plan update.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: On June 5, 2017, City Council accepted a FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant and appropriated funds for updating of the City of Ann Arbor's hazard mitigation plan (R-17-190).
Hazard mitigation planning is the process of developing a set of actions designed to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects. The first stand-alone hazard mitigation plan was develop by the City in 2012 (City of Ann Arbor 2012 Hazard Mitigation Plan). It was adopted by the City (R-12-439) and approved by FEMA. The plan examines community profile, develops a risk assessment for natural, technological, and societal hazards, and outlines mitigation strategies addressing these hazards. FEMA requires that adopted plans be reviewed and updated on a 5-yr cycle. The City's Hazard Mitigation Plan is a crucial disaster planning component. In addition, update of the City's Hazard Mitigation Plan is a prerequisite to eligibility for federal grant applications to implement recommendations of the existing plan, if and when funds become available.
The City issued RFP 17-13, Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, June 9, 2017. Three responses were received. Stantec was selected as the most qualified respondent based on the its experience with the FEMA approval process, knowledge of the community and their ability to meet the City's sustainability and planning goals as stated in the RFP within the required time frame.
Stantec will be responsible for the evaluation process of the existing plan for its strengths, weaknesses and utility, for development and oversight of the planning pr...
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