Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Hoffman Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $339,886.46 (ITB 4689) for the Schoolgirls Glen Culvert Replacement Project and to Appropriate $200,000.00 from the Stormwater Sewer System Fund Balance (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to award a contract to Hoffman Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $339,886.46, for the construction of the Schoolgirls Glen Culvert Replacement project.
This project will replace severely deteriorated stormwater culverts at Schoolgirls Glen along Nichols Drive within the Arboretum, which provides for the conveyance of stormwater under Nichols Drive from the Schoolgirls Glen open channel to the outlet at the Huron River. This area of the Arboretum is on City of Ann Arbor property and the culverts are under City of Ann Arbor jurisdiction. Construction is scheduled to occur over the winter of 2021/2022.
Plans and specifications were advertised through BidNet (ITB 4689). Four bids were received and opened on September 2, 2021. The lowest responsible bid was submitted by Hoffman Brothers, Inc. in the amount of $339,886.46. A summary of the bids is attached. Hoffman Brothers, Inc. complies with the requirements of the non-discrimination, conflict of interest, and living wage ordinances and has submitted the appropriate responsible contractor documentation.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The approved Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) includes the Schoolgirls Glen Culvert Replacement Project (UT-ST-18-15) and partial funding is approved in the Stormwater Capital Budget. Current project estimates exceed the original project budget; therefore, a $200,000.00 supplemental appropriation is necessary. Any long-term maintenance associated with the proposed work would be budgeted from Stormwater Operations and Maintenance funds.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: J...
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