Resolution to Accept District Geothermal Grant Funds from the US Department of Energy to Support a District Geothermal Design and Deployment to Equitably Decarbonize a Low-Income Neighborhood in Ann Arbor Project and Approve a Cooperative Agreement with the US Department of Energy ($642,286.00). (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to authorize acceptance and administration of grant funding from the US Department Energy and approve Cooperative Agreement with the US Department of Energy to work with residents in the Bryant neighborhood, Ann Arbor Public Schools, Washtenaw County, IMEG, Community Action Network, Midwest Geothermal Energy Association, International Ground Source Heat Pump Association, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 252, U.A. Local 190, Michigan Energy Services, Arbor Consultants, D4 Consultants, Midwest Geothermal, DTE Gas, and the University of Michigan to design a district geothermal system capable of reducing thermal heating and cooling load by 75%.
More specifically, there are four main objectives of this project:
1. Design a district geothermal heating and cooling system that reduces thermal heating and cooling load by 75% and greenhouse gas emissions by 40%;
2. Design a district geothermal system that eliminates energy burden in a frontline, justice40 neighborhood;
3. Create a strategy for scaling up good paying, family-sustaining jobs necessary to replicate this project in other areas of the City, region, and state; and
4. Create a replicable model of both community engagement and geothermal design that can be scaled throughout the City and region.
To accomplish the objectives, this DOE approved grant would focus on seven core tasks:
* Forming a steering committee.
* Regular community-designed public engagement activities.
* Conducting a detailed hourly load profile analysis for current and projected future natural gas and electricity usage for all ...
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