Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Lawrence M. Clarke, Inc. for the Downtown Valve Replacement Project ($342,160.00; Bid No. ITB-4449)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to award a contract to Lawrence M. Clarke, Inc. in the amount of $342,160.00 for the Downtown Valve Replacement Project.
Currently there are a number of water main valves in the downtown area that will not function and would not facilitate the isolation of segments of the water main system in case of failure. Staff has identified valves essential for the operation of the water system in this area. The replacement of the existing valves in the downtown area is complicated by their location and by the inconvenience the work will create for the businesses and residents. With that in mind, the decision was made to use insertion valves for this task. Using this kind of valve will minimize disruption and should not interrupt water service.
In response to the invitation to bid (ITB-4449), three (3) bids were received on Monday, June 20, 2016. The low bid from Lawrence M. Clarke, Inc. of $702,860.00 was approximately 45% higher than the Engineer's Estimate.
Due to the fact that this bid exceeded the project budget, the scope of the project was reduced to the most critical valves. As the low bidder, the reduced scope of work was offered to Lawrence M. Clarke, Inc. to be performed at their original contract unit prices. The contractor accepted this offer.
The construction of the project is scheduled to begin in the Fall of 2016 and is to be completed in the Spring of 2017.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Work for this project is included in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) as the Downtown Valve Replacement Project (UT-WS-08-30) and is being funded by the approved Water Fund Capital budget.
Lawrence M. Clarke, Inc. complies with the City of Ann Arbor Non-Discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances.
Prepared by: Nicholas Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer...
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