Resolution to Award a Construction Contract for Galvanized Water Service Line Replacements to SWT Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $1,013,116.15 per Year for a Period of Two Years ($2,026,223.30 ITB No. 4694)
Attached for your approval is a resolution authorizing a construction contract with SWT Excavating, Inc. for $1,013,116.15 per year for galvanized water service line replacements for two (2) years with the option to renew for one (1) additional year.
Most water service lines installed in Ann Arbor before 1928 and some services installed during World War II (1942-1945) were made of galvanized iron and connected to the water main with a short piece of flexible lead pipe, known as a "gooseneck". The City has removed and replaced the publicly owned portion of all known galvanized water service lines and lead goosenecks. In June of 2018, an updated Lead and Copper Rule was adopted by the State of Michigan. The rule requires that water suppliers replace both the publicly owned and privately owned portions of galvanized service lines that are or were connected to lead. Water suppliers must replace these lines at a rate of 5% per year. Additionally, the rule also prohibits partial replacements, which includes repairs to leaking service lines. The City does not have the resources to complete this work in-house and so a contract for the work is needed to ensure swift response to leaking service lines and to meet the annual replacement rate.
ITB No. 4694, Galvanized Water Service Line Replacement, was advertised on the City's Website and on the Bidnet website. One (1) bid was received and publicly opened on October 13, 2021. SWT Excavating, Inc. was determined to be a responsible bidder.
SWT Excavating, Inc. submitted all required Responsible Contractor Criteria, Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms; and complies with the requirements of the City's Responsible Bidder, Non-Discrimination, Pr...
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