Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Gerace Construction Company, Inc. for the 2022 Bandemer Park Bridge Repairs and Renovations (RFP 22-18, $505,567.00)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $505,567.00 construction contract with Gerace Construction Company, Inc. (Gerace) to repair and renovate the Bandemer Park bridges.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY2022 Park Maintenance and Capital Improvement Millage budget.
Project Description: The Parks and Recreation Open Space Plan identifies bridge repair as an on-going need and one of the major categories of capital project improvements.
In 2018, the Bandemer Park pedestrian and vehicle bridge structures were inspected as part of regular monitoring and section loss was noted on the exposed portions of the stringers. Repairs for these structures were originally bid in 2020 but the work was postponed due to their cost and the ability to safely defer the work. This allowed for their capital rehabilitation costs to be programmed into this year's capital budget. In order to monitor their condition in the interim, a condition assessment inspection of the was conducted in 2020 which validated the need for the work to occur soon.
The rehabilitation of these bridges includes replacement of the steel stringers, painting of the floor beams, as well as other items of work. These repairs need to be performed in the next year in order to maintain current use and prevent further deterioration and more costly repairs. It is essential that repairs on the Bandemer Park pedestrian bridge begin this year in order to ensure its continued structural stability and performance.
The project meets the sustainability goals of promoting active living and learning and providing transportation options, as the park bridges form important linkages in the non-motorized system in our community. This project also supports the goal of having a safe commu...
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