Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Cadillac Asphalt LLC (ITB-4260, $8,899,300.00) for the 2020 Street Resurfacing Project, and to Appropriate $1,000,000.00 from the Major Street Fund, $1,990,000.00 from the Local Street Fund, $350,000.00 from the Stormwater Fund, and $100,000.00 from the Alternative Transportation Fund (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your approval is a resolution to authorize the award of a construction contract to Cadillac Asphalt LLC, in the amount of $8,899,300.00 for resurfacing various City streets. The resolution also appropriates $1,000,000.00 from the Major Street Fund and $1,990,000.00 from the Local Street Fund Operations and Maintenance Budgets. This funding was allocated via Budget Amendment 1 during the adoption of the FY 20 Budget for Street Resurfacing, Repair, and Capital Preventative Maintenance.
This year's resurfacing project includes work on nearly 9 miles of streets, including 4 major streets, 39 local streets, and approximately 11,600 feet of shared use asphalt path. Attached is a list of the proposed locations. It also includes repairs to the bike lane pavement on Miller Avenue between Newport Road and Chapin Street, which will be funded by the Alternative Transportation Fund. In addition and as typical for this annual project, repairs to stormwater structures within the project limits are made and are to be funded by the Stormwater Fund.
Construction will begin in early May 2020 and conclude by early November 2020. The Contractor will provide an exact schedule for each street, as required, to coordinate with planned community events, such as Art Fair and U of M home football games, in-session school days, holiday periods, and other construction projects.
The contract is a unit-price contract because actual construction quantities may vary. This allows removal or substitution of any streets on the proposed list for any reason. Depletion of available funds prior to the completion of all the...
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