Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project and to Appropriate Funds ($1,270,322.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract with Michigan Recreational Construction, Inc. (MRC) in the amount of $1,270,322.00 for Phase 1A of the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project.
On September 18, 2023, City Council approved the renaming and dedication of Southeast Area Park to Bicentennial Park. To commemorate Ann Arbor's Bicentennial, Bicentennial Park will undergo several significant improvements through the Bicentennial Park Splash Pad and Playground Improvements Project including installation of the City's first splash pad. Additional Project improvements will include the replacement of the existing play structure, swings, associated surfacing, and renovations to the existing pavilion and restrooms.
In line with the City of Ann Arbor's commitment to sustainability, the Bicentennial Park splash pad will utilize a recirculation system instead of a flow-through system. A recirculation system treats and reuses water, similar to how swimming pools operate, whereas a flow-through system uses potable water that is discharged as stormwater. For a splash pad of this size, a flow-through system would consume 10 to 15 million gallons of water over the operating season, while the selected recirculation system is estimated to use only 10,000 to 20,000 gallons. Although this decision increases both cost and limits contractor options, it aligns with the City's sustainability goals. Additionally, solar panels will be installed in a separate project to power the splash pad, restrooms, pavilion, and park lighting.
City Council previously approved the purchase of splash pad and playground equipment for Bicentennial Park from Penchura,...
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