Resolution to Authorize Professional Services Agreements with TTL Associates, Inc. ($100,000.00); Tetra Tech, Inc. ($100,000.00); Material Testing Consultants, Inc. ($100,000.00); and CTI and Associates, Inc. ($100,000.00) for Geotechnical and Environmental Services
We recommend your approval of the attached resolution authorizing Professional Services Agreements with TTL Associates, Inc. ($100,000.00); Tetra Tech, Inc. ($100,000.00); Material Testing Consultants, Inc. ($100,000.00); and CTI and Associates, Inc. ($100,000.00) for Geotechnical and Environmental Services (RFP 997).
It is necessary that the Project Management Services Unit (PMSU) perform soil borings, pavement cores, laboratory testing, and all associated work at various locations throughout the City of Ann Arbor during the design phase of public infrastructure projects. These soil borings and pavement cores identify existing soil type, soil characteristics, pavement thickness, and potential environmental contamination. This information is critical to the success of any design project. Professional geotechnical and environmental engineering consultants typically perform this work, as the City does not have the necessary equipment or personnel.
A Request for Proposals (RFP-997) for Geotechnical and Environmental Services was issued in December of 2016. Proposals from seven consulting firms were received on January 17, 2017. A team of staff members reviewed all of the proposals and narrowed the selection to five consulting firms whose fee quotations were opened and evaluated. Based on their professional qualifications, past experience with the City, available resources, and fee quotations, the team selected TTL Associates, Inc., Tetra Tech, Inc., Material Testing Consultants, Inc., and CTI and Associates, Inc.
Selecting four consultants provides additional resources beyond what a single firm can provide, and provides extra flexibility for City staff. These consultant...
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