Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Cadillac Asphalt, LLC for the Ellsworth Road Resurfacing Project (RFP No. 23-23, $1,003,000.00)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract with Cadillac Asphalt, LLC (Cadillac) in the amount of $1,003,000.00 for the Ellsworth Road (South State Street to Platt Road) Resurfacing Project (RFP 23-23).
Ellsworth Road is one of the City's National Highway System (NHS) routes that operates with high traffic volumes and is a vital east/west commercial and commuter arterial that serves as a gateway to southeastern Ann Arbor. Several public transit (bus) routes service the project area including one that is a vital link between the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti communities. Based on these factors and a condition assessment of the existing pavement this project was selected for resurfacing using a portion of the federal aid monies it receives annually. In 2022 the City requested and received approval to exchange the federal aid transportation funds allocated to this project for state transportation dollars as part of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Federal Aid Buyout Program. This voluntary program provides flexibility to local agencies and allows for the most efficient use of federal highway aid and other transportation dollars.
Work on this project is considered Capital Preventative Maintenance and will involve the following elements:
* Partial depth removal and replacement of the asphalt pavement.
* Drainage/utility structure repairs and cover adjustments.
* Minor curb ramps improvements to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines and standards.
* Narrowing of the center turn lane to provide for additional bike lane width along both sides of the roadway to meet current standards.
* New wider longitudinal pavement markings to provide improved visibility for users of the roadway corridor.
Construction of the project is ...
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