Resolution to Appropriate Funds for Fieldwork, Soil Samples, Laboratory Testing, and Development of a Remediation Plan at Leslie Science and Nature Center ($96,800.00) (8 Votes Required)
The attached resolution is to appropriate $88,000.00 for an approved emergency purchase order with Tetra Tech of Michigan, P.C. ("Tetra Tech"), for fieldwork, soil samples, laboratory testing and development of a remediation plan at Leslie Science and Nature Center ("LSNC"). A ten percent contingency is also requested.
While planning for a natural area playscape on LSNC property, a LSNC staff member came across papers indicating that chemicals from Dr. Leslie's laboratory were disposed of in a section of woods near the proposed playscape. Dr. Leslie was a chemist and the owner of the land prior to gifting it to the City and it becoming a park.
Once staff were made aware of the potential soil contamination, they reached out to Tetra Tech, a consultant currently used by the City on numerous projects. Tetra Tech was able to meet with the City and LSNC on Thursday, May 23rd and put a plan in place to quickly gain soil samples and perform testing for a variety of contaminants in order to determine appropriate next steps in the playground project. Time was of the essence as grants secured for the playground needed to be expended this year and because of the desire to protect public health. Draft results from testing were received on Thursday, June 20. On Sunday, June 23, the City received formal guidance from Tetra Tech indicating that the level of heavy metals, specifically arsenic and lead, at certain areas of LSNC were elevated and could pose a risk if soil were to be ingested.
As a result, further testing is necessary to develop appropriate remediation steps. Tetra Tech will be installing vapor pins in the LSNC buildings, and performing additional soil sampling to identify where fencing should be located. Other activities will include coordinating with a fen...
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