Resolution to Approve a Construction Contract with Ajax Paving Industries, Inc. for the Geddes Avenue and Huron Parkway/Tuebingen Parkway Resurfacing Project. (RFP No. 22-25, $4,230,895.60), and to Appropriate $1,011,000.00 Internal Contributing Funds (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval, please find a resolution to approve a construction contract with Ajax Paving Industries, Inc. in the amount of $4,230,895.60 for the Geddes Ave and Huron Pkwy/Tuebingen Resurfacing Project (RFP 22-25). The resolution also appropriates funds from other project internal contributing funds.
The Geddes Avenue (Observatory St. to Highland Rd.) and Huron Parkway/Tuebingen Parkway (Nixon Rd. to Traver Blvd.) resurfacing work involves the following elements:
* Full depth removal and replacement of the asphalt pavement.
* Removal and replacement of segments of concrete curb and driveway openings and portions of driveway approach aprons.
* Pedestrian crossing improvements that include existing sidewalk ramp upgrades, new crosswalk installations and street lighting enhancements.
* New sidewalk construction to fill a gap in the sidewalk system on Tuebingen Pkwy.
* The addition of bike lanes on Huron Parkway and Tuebingen Parkway.
* Stormwater system upgrades that include replacing substandard curb drain inlets and underground detention.
The construction of the project is scheduled to begin in early July and be complete by late October 2022. Work will likely occur at both project locations simultaneously.
During construction, through traffic on Geddes Avenue will be detoured using Hill Street, Washtenaw Avenue and Observatory Street. On Huron Parkway and Tuebingen Parkway through traffic will detoured via Nixon Road and Traver Boulevard.
Solicitation of Proposals
Engineering staff supervised the creation of plans and contract documents and solicited proposals for construction of the project through the City's Procurement Unit. On May 5, 2022, two p...
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