Resolution to Approve the Purchase of an Odor Control Chemical from D3W Industries, Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant ($130,900.00 Annually, Estimated)
Your approval is requested to authorize the purchase of an odor control chemical from D3W Industries, Inc. (D3W) for the City's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) for a three-year period at the maximum unit price of $68 per gallon, at an estimated volume of 1,925 gallons per year and total estimated annual cost of $130,900.00.
During the winter season, the WWTP centrifuges liquid biosolids to reduce the moisture content and produce a cake that is disposed in a landfill. Previously, the WWTP added lime dust to the centrifuged cake to reduce odors to a level that made it acceptable to the landfill. However, during truck loading activities, the lime dust released significant amounts of ammonia that caused strong odors at the WWTP and migrated to areas surrounding the plant. As a result, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) received odor complaints and informed the City that it was not in compliance with the terms of its air quality permit.
Through various field tests, WWTP staff determined that a chemical called Planet Breeze from D3W is most effective for reducing odor complaints both locally and at the landfill. Consequently, Planet Breeze was used during the past several winter landfill seasons. Based on these successful results, and to avoid violations of the EGLE air quality permit that could lead to citations, fines or other regulatory actions, your approval is requested for the purchase of Planet Breeze for three years. D3W is the sole manufacturer and distributor of this particular product and has informed WWTP staff that it will offer a discounted unit price that ranges from $62 to a maximum of $68 per gallon for FY23, FY24 and FY25. (By comparison, the maximum unit price through FY22 is $62 per gallon.)
D3W complies with the Non-Discrimination Or...
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