Resolution to Approve a Two-Year Agreement with the Office for Survey Research, Michigan State University to Administer, Analyze, and Report on a Resident Survey On Deer Impacts in Ann Arbor (Approx. $19,971.00 FY18, $21,969.00 FY19)
The attached resolution requests the approval of a two-year contract with the Office of Survey Research at Michigan State University to continue surveying Ann Arbor residents about the Deer Impacts in Ann Arbor for the City's Deer Management Program years 3-4.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: This expenditure was planned and budgeted in the approved FY18 Community Services Administration budget. Funding for FY19 will be budgeted as part of the on-going Deer Management Program. It is anticipated that service costs based on known variables will be increased by not more than 10% in the second year of the contract and authorization of a contingency to address administrative costs is requested.
The implementation of the Deer Management Program includes assessing residents' perceptions of the impact of deer in the community along with their views of the City's plan. Prior to the initial cull, staff had conducted surveys that were not intended to be statistically valid but were inexpensive to administer and provided general community feedback.
In FY2017 staff contracted with the Office of Survey Research at Michigan State University to develop, administer, analyze, and report on a survey of Ann Arbor residents. This survey was conducted with a protocol to obtain a statistically valid sample that represented the feedback from each of the city's five wards. The results of the survey were shared in June 2017 and are part of the City's assessment of the deer management plan.
For consistency and continued validity, staff recommends utilizing Michigan State University for years 3-4 of the program. Continued assessment over the next couple of years will help connect the actions of the deer management plan with community feedback...
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