Resolution to Approve General Services Agreements with Kennedy Industries, Inc. (not-to-exceed $270,000.00) and KSB Dubric, Inc. (not-to-exceed $270,000.00) for Pump Maintenance and Repair Services (RFP No. 24-24)
This memorandum and resolution requests approval of General Services Agreements with Kennedy Industries, Inc. and KSB Dubric, Inc. for pump repair and maintenance services. The drinking water system has over 60 pumps of various types that are used for the treatment and distribution of the City's drinking water supply. These pumps require periodic maintenance and repair, and, occasionally, emergency repair services.
In April 2024, the City issued a request for proposal for as-needed pump repair and maintenance services (RFP No.24-24), and two proposals were received. It is in the City's best interest to have two contractors available to ensure swift response to emergency repairs and services to critical equipment. Staff reviewed the proposals and found both Kennedy Industries, Inc. and KSB Dubric, Inc. to be responsible bidders for these services. Each contract is a one-year agreement with the option for two 1-year renewals, with a total over the life of each contract not to exceed $270,000.00.
Kennedy Industries, Inc. and KSB Dubric, Inc. comply with the requirements of the City's Non-discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: These services are to be funded from the approved FY25 Water Supply Systems budget, and FY26 and FY27 Water Supply Systems budget if so, approved by council.
Prepared by: Nicholas Baran, Inventory control Technician
Reviewed by: Sue McCormick, Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., City Administrator
Whereas, The City's drinking-water system uses over 60 pumps of varying sizes and types, without which the City would be unable to deliver safe drinking water to our customers;
Whereas, The City is not adequately equipped to complete a...
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