Resolution to Approve an Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services Schedule 29 with Washtenaw County and Appropriate $248,000.00 from the Information Technology Fund Balance ($538,633.05) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your consideration is a resolution authorizing approval of Schedule 29 to the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services and related three-year payments for the purchase of a Dell/EMC Avamar Enterprise Backup and Recovery System. Services would be provided under the terms of the Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services between the City and Washtenaw County and related Schedule 29. Schedule 29 is a replacement for Schedule 27 that was brought to council as a resolution in 2017 (File# 17-800) and was never fully executed by Washtenaw County. The resolution for Schedule 27 indicated Washtenaw County would receive $567,315.84 in funds from a settlement agreement and use these funds towards the purchase of the Dell/EMC Avamar Enterprise Backup and Recovery System on behalf of both the city and county. Instead, Washtenaw County transferred settlement agreement funds in the amount of $248,000.00 back to the city in FY2018. These funds were placed in the city's IT Fund Balance to be used in the future for the same Dell/EMC Avamar Enterprise Backup and Recovery System purchase. Washtenaw County will now invoice the city for the 3 annual payments.
The new backup and recovery system is a replacement for a previous system that was purchased in 2014 under Interagency Agreement for Collaborative Technology and Services Schedule 20. The settlement agreement refund was evenly distributed between Washtenaw County and the City of Ann Arbor and will be utilized along with budgeted IT funds towards this purchase (3-year lease agreement). The new backup and recovery system replaced the original system and it will meet all the city's requirements. The new solution is a far superior p...
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