Resolution Establishing Center of the City Task Force
Prepared by: Councilmember Eaton
Whereas, On November 6, 2018, electors approved Proposal A to amend the City Charter, which, in relevant part, states that City-owned land bounded by Fifth Avenue, and William, Division and Liberty Streets, including Liberty Plaza, the surface of the Library Lane parking structure and Library Lane itself, "shall be retained in public ownership, in perpetuity, and developed as an urban central park and civic center commons known as the 'Center of the City;'"
Whereas, A "commons" is a traditional form of shared space based on mutual benefit, mutual responsibility and mutual respect, conveying a culture of sustainability now and for the generations to come;
Whereas, The Center of the City will draw on earlier community visioning for the downtown including the call from Ann Arbor's 2006 Calthorpe Report to "Encourage the creation of new public spaces within the Downtown and rehabilitation of existing spaces: Pursue and design a Town Square or central civic area that incorporates an outdoor meeting Place;"
Whereas, On April 7, 2014, City Council approved by a vote of 7-4, a resolution R-14-091, related to the creation of a public park on the Library Lot, which resolution, in relevant part, provides guidance for a planning process that actively engages multiple stakeholders and the public at large and includes recommendations for specific actions that will encourage and support the redevelopment of adjacent properties;
Whereas, The Library Block is home to a variety of stakeholders: residential property owners/tenants, small businesses, large businesses and organizations; city-owned properties and two downtown historic districts protecting a total of 13 structures; and
Whereas, City Council is taking action to implement the Center of the City Charter Amendment as approved by the voters on November 6, 2018;
RESOLVED, That City Council will establish a Citi...
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