Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Bailey Excavation, Inc. for the Russell St., Upland Dr. & Woodmanor Ct. Road Reconfiguration Project ($241,026.75; Bid No. ITB-4447)
Attached for your review and approval please find a resolution that awards a construction contract to Bailey Excavation, Inc. in the amount of $241,026.75 for the Russell St., Upland Dr. & Woodmanor Ct. Road Reconfiguration Project.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
The FY 2016-2021 Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) includes a project for the Termination of Public Street Dead Ends (TR-NS-10-06). Funding for the project is included in the approved Solid Waste capital budget.
Project Description
This project consists of reconfiguring three dead end streets and is part of a larger programmatic effort to provide better maneuverability for refuse vehicles. This is funded from Solid Waste Funds, because three separate refuse vehicles drive down these streets weekly. This project will also improve the maneuverability of emergency vehicles and snow plows. The City currently has multiple locations where streets come to an end without a cul-de-sac or "bulb" at the end of the street - a situation that creates problems for these larger service vehicles. This project is expected to begin in October 2016, and will create turn around spaces at the ends of three streets: Russell Street, Upland Drive, and Woodmanor Court. All the work to be performed will be within the public right-of-way or on City-owned property.
Plans and specifications were advertised through BidNet. Three bids were received and opened on August 16, 2016. The lowest responsible bid, in the amount of $241,026.75 was $17,746.25 below the engineer's estimate. Attached is a summary of the bids received for the project.
Bailey Excavation, Inc. complies with the requirements of the non-discrimination and living wage ordinances.
Prepared by: Nick Hutchinson, P.E., City Engineer
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public S...
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