Resolution to Approve 2050 Commerce Drive Site Plan and Development Agreement (CPC Recommendation: Approval - 7 Yeas and 1 Nay)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a 4-story, 267 home apartment building with 298 interior parking spaces, 67 exterior spaces (31 deferred).
Petition Summary:
* The Site Plan proposes a 4-story, 267 home apartment building totaling 327,399 sq ft on a 3.8 acre site zoned C2B, Business Service District. There will be 298 interior parking spaces, 67 exterior spaces and a drop-off area on Commerce Blvd. This development shall be constructed in one phase.
* A development agreement has been prepared to request a contribution of $22,500 from the developer, contributing to the installation of a pedestrian activated warning system at the Pennsylvania and S. Maple intersection as recommended in the traffic impact statement. A Park contribution to improve nearby parks, such as South Maple Park, Dolph Nature Area, or Veterans Memorial Park in the amount of $166,875 is also reflected in the Development Agreement.
* Flow equivalent to 233 GPM, will need to be removed from the sanitary sewer system in order to mitigate new flow from this proposed development. A payment may be made in lieu of performing actual flow removal.
* The petitioner addressed issues raised by Planning Commission by describing the cost of rent for the proposed units, using energy saving design, adding landscaping around the dumpster, and limiting the days of trash pick-up.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 3, 2018, recommended approval of this request.
Attachments: 4/3/18 Planning Staff Report, 4/3/18 Planning Commission Minutes, 3/23/18 Draft Development Agreement
Prepared By: Chris Cheng, City Planner
Reviewed By: Brett D. Lenart, Planning Manager and Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved By: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The 2050 ...
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