Resolution No. 2 - Miller Maple Sidewalk Project - Sidewalk Special Assessment and to Appropriate Funds ($50,000.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to establish the estimated cost and distribution of costs for the proposed new sidewalk and curb and gutter to be constructed as part of the Miller Maple Sidewalk Project (Sidewalk District #48). In accordance with the City's Non-Motorized Plan and Complete Streets approach, it is proposed to install a new sidewalk to close gaps and provide a continuous pedestrian connection along the north and south sides of Miller Avenue between Kuehnle Avenue and North Maple Road, and along the west side of North Maple Road from Miller Avenue to approximately 800 feet north, across the Maple Cove Apartments development. Also included is the replacement of the deteriorated asphalt sidewalk on the south side of Miller Avenue and construction of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) at the crossings of Maple and Miller at the Maple Cove Apartments and Kuehnle Avenue, respectively.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Estimated Project Costs are as follows:
Construction Cost (including Contingency) $518,150.00
Planning/Design 54,100.00
Const. Eng/Project Admin/Inspection/Testing 90,100.00
Total Cost $662,350.00
As called for in Chapter 13 of City Code, the cost for the addition of new sidewalk where none currently exists is borne by the parcels that benefit from the improvements. Federal Surface Transportation Funds will pay for up to $257,000.00 of the project costs. The remaining costs ($405,350.00) will be local share and will be paid for by a combination of special assessments, IT funds (for conduit installation), General Fund, and Street Bridge, and Sidewalk Millage funds.
Below are the estimated Project Revenues:
Federal Surface Transportation Funds ...
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