Resolution to Fund Stormwater Services with the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner ($320,000.00 Annually)
The City of Ann Arbor and the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner (WCWRC) have a long successful history of collaboration. The Huron River Pollution Abatement projects, which lead to the removal of non-residential illicit connections from the stormwater system, which was one of the earlier joint projects, began in 1987. This collaboration has continued with joint projects like Olsen Park, Malletts Creek Restoration Project, Illicit Connection Detection and Elimination Program (IDEP), demonstration rain gardens, Mary Doyle Park and Wetlands Restoration and Allen's Creek Stormwater Improvements. Each of these joint projects have received grant or loan support which has been administered by the County.
The success of much of the City's Stormwater programming and capital improvements has been from a continued collaboration of stormwater activities, including low interest State Revolving Fund loans in to construct stormwater improvements across the entire City.
The attached resolution would approve a service contract for $320,000.00 annually for 5 years, from FY2021 through FY2026 with the Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner to fund a portion of a full-time County employee (0.5 FTE) to provide stormwater services which will benefit the City, including applications and administration of grants and loans, project coordination and miscellaneous services. The contract will also fund green infrastructure maintenance coordination and management through a full-time County employee. Additionally, it would fund the rain garden services program, including rain garden outreach and education with a full-time County employee.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding is available in the approved FY21 System's Planning Stormwater Operations and Maintenance budget and the approved FY21 WWTP Operations and Maintenance budget. Add...
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