Resolution to Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. for RFP 21-24 - City of Ann Arbor Hazard Mitigation Plan Update ($145,238.00)
We recommend your approval of the attached Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $145,238.00 with Stantec Consulting Services for 2022 City of Ann Arbor Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. A current hazard mitigation plan is necessary for a multitude of federal grant programs and the City of Ann Arbor flood insurance rating score. Most notably, a current hazard mitigation plan was required for federal funding for the railroad berm opening, which significantly reduced the number of parcels in the flood zone. This plan also has significant other benefits to overall hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness strategy.
The hazard mitigation plan must be renewed every five years to remain current with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The current plan expires in November 2022. This contract provides ample time for the scope of work and approval process.
A request for proposals was solicited under RFP 21-14, and six bids were received on September 8, 2021. The review team was comprised of Dr. Missy Stults - Sustainability and Innovation Manager, Jerry Hancock - Stormwater / Floodplain Coordinator, Sydney Parmenter - Emergency Management Coordinator, and Mike Kennedy - Fire Chief. Stantec was ranked the highest of the final two firms selected. Of the final two firms, Stantec did not have the lowest fee proposal of the two finalists. Although, Stantec was not the lowest bidder their proposal was in greater alignment with the City's A2Zero goals, and they presented a more succinct plan addressing equity, authentic and inclusive community engagement, carbon neutrality, and increasing the resilience of our people and place. The review team is recommending Stantec be awarded the Professional Services Agreement.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The City of Ann Arbor appli...
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