Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Live Zero Waste, Inc. for Various Efforts to Advance the City's Work on the Circular Economy ($150,000.00)
The City of Ann Arbor has set the ambitious and essential goal of a just transition to community-wide carbon neutrality by the year 2030 (known as A2ZERO). Guiding this goal is the City's "Living Carbon Neutrality Plan," which includes seven strategies and forty-four actions. Strategy five of A2ZERO calls for the movement to a more circular economy - one that is more relational as opposed to consumptive. Work to usher in a more circular economy is vast and necessitates a variety of skillsets, expertise, capacity, and knowledge.
Over the last two years, the Office of Sustainability and Innovations (OSI) and Public Works have been working with Live Zero Waste (ZeroWaste.Org) on a variety of circular economy activities, ranging from a returnable container pilot to zero waste challenges to neighborhood swap days. As these individual projects have gained momentum, it has become clear that more capacity and coordination around these and other activities to advance the circular economy is necessary. That is why OSI proposes working with Live Zero Waste (ZeroWaste.Org) on the following six tasks:
1. Support the returnable container (A2R3) program and help scale the program
2. Support and scale zero-waste challenges
3. Organize, coordinate, and conduct education on the circular economy
4. Support and host neighborhood swap days
5. On demand support to advance circular economy efforts
6. Weekly check-ins to align work and coordinate
The staff recommends a 2-year contract with Live Zero Waste (ZeroWaste.Org) with a 1-year, administrative option to extend.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: Funding to support this work with Live Zero Waste (ZeroWaste.Org) was integrated into the Office of Sustainability and Innovations 2024 Council adopted budget.
Prepared by: Missy Stults, Sustainability...
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