Resolution to Amend Carlisle/Wortman Professional Services Agreements for Building Official and Planning Services, Amend the FY16 Budget and Appropriate Necessary Funds (8 Votes Required)
City has contracted with Carlisle/Wortman to provide Building Official and plan review services since the City's Building Official left City's employment. In April 2015. The City began its search for a Building Official and has yet to find a candidate suitable for the City's Building Services. The major challenge in finding a Building Official is the limited pool of candidates having the necessary State certification and needed experience for Ann Arbor. We are continuing our search for City's Building Official.
In the interim, there is and will be a continued need for Carlisle/Wortman's services for Building Official and plan review services. To date, Carlisle/Wortman has provided satisfactory services to the City. In January 2015, Council approved not to exceed $200,000.00 for Carlisle/Wortman for Building Official and plan review services. Council is now requested to approve an additional $400,000.00 for continued Building Official and plan review services to be funded from the Construction Code Fund. You are also requested to amend the FY16 budget for the Construction Code Fund by $400,000.00. The Construction Code Fund has sufficient fund balance.
With the retirement of the City's Planning Manager, there is need for consulting planning services to provide technical assistance to city planning staff on complex planning projects, to keep up with the work load demands, and provide necessary support to the City's Planning Commission. The City entered into a not to exceed $25,000.00 contract with Carlisle/Wortman for these planning services. Carlisle/Wortman's principal office is located in Ann Arbor and has the expertise, along with trained and licensed staff to provide these services. Carlisle/Wortman provides planning services to a number of ot...
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