Resolution to Support Increasing the Penalties for Speeding in School Zones
This resolution seeks Council approval of a recommendation from the Policy Agenda Committee to authorize the City Administrator to pursue the policy direction of increasing fines and point penalties for speeding in school zones. Upon Council adoption, The City Administrator will work with state elected officials, the City's lobbyists, and professional and peer associations to seek passage of the changes is state statutes.
Prepared by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City Council has adopted the following initiatives and priorities for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18):
- to build an engaged, affordable, and safe community,
- to ensure proper stewardship of public resources,
- to preserve a healthy and sustainable environment, and
- to develop integrated and accessible land use and transportation systems, and
Whereas, The Council formed a Policy Agenda Committee to develop a structured approach for engaging with the City's elected delegations at the County, State, and Federal levels and with other governmental and related entities;
Whereas, The Council has empowered its Policy Agenda Committee to develop and recommend to Council approaches to advancing the City's priorities and initiatives;
Whereas, In seeking to further these goals established by City Council, the City Administrator will initiate Council authorized actions to advocate for the amending state statute to increase the penalties for speeding violations in school zones;
Whereas, Increasing the penalties combined with the improvements in pedestrian safety that are currently in progress and increased police enforcement will result in safer routes to school; and
Whereas, This measure has been presented to and approved by the Ann Arbor Public Schools' Transportation Safety Committee;
RESOLVED, That the City Council endorses and supports the actions proposed by the City Administrator to ...
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