Resolution Authorizing a Purchase Order with Bell Equipment Company through the Michigan Delivering Extended Agreements Locally (MIDEAL) for the Rental of Two Elgin Pelican Street Sweepers ($40,360.00)
Attached for your approval is a resolution authorizing a purchase order with Bell Equipment Company for the rental of two Elgin Pelican street sweepers.
The City currently owns four Elgin Pelican street sweepers. The 8 week rental of two additional sweepers is necessary to supplement our fleet to meet the fall sweeping service level expectations.
Bell Equipment Company was awarded contract #071B7700091 by the State of Michigan, Michigan Delivering Extended Agreements Locally (MIDEAL) for construction equipment purchase and rental.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
Sufficient funds for the rental sweepers are available in the approved FY19 Solid Waste and Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Budgets.
Monthly Rental
#of Sweepers
Total Cost
$9790.00 Per Sweeper|1010|$600.00 Per Sweeper|1010|$40,360.00
Bell Equipment Company complies with the requirements of the City's conflict of interest and non-discrimination ordinances.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Assistant Manager Public Works
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The City of Ann Arbor needs to rent street sweepers to supplement the existing fleet to meet fall street sweeping needs;
Whereas, Competitive bids were solicited by State of Michigan for construction equipment purchase and rental and Bell Equipment Company submitted the lowest responsible bid;
Whereas, Bell Equipment Company is an approved vendor of the State of Michigan and complies with the requirements of the City's conflict of interest and non-discrimination ordinances; and
Whereas, Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Public Services Area Sol...
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