Resolution to Approve a Cost Sharing Agreement with the Downtown Development Authority for the Downtown Area Circulation Study ($209,674.00) and to Appropriate $19,334.00 from the General Fund Unobligated Fund Balance (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and approval is a resolution to approve a cost sharing agreement with the Ann Arbor Downtown Development Authority ("DDA") for the Downtown Area Circulation Study.
There are many demands on the downtown public rights-of-way and those demands are changing and growing. The Downtown Area Circulation Study (DAC) is a tool to understand downtown transportation operations, guide future projects in a coordinated manner, and help both the DDA and the City prioritize projects that best align with adopted values. The study includes a(n):
* Active transportation prioritization plan (remaining bike connections into and through downtown)
* Transit street prioritization plan
* Fifth & Division two-way traffic feasibility study
* Event streets feasibility study (e.g., shared street, pedestrian mall)
* Multimodal operational model (to inform the feasibility, benefits, and trade-offs of the collective street changes)
This study is identified in the City's Capital Improvements Plan (Project # TR-OT-24-51) in FY 2024 and will build on earlier data collection efforts, adopted plans, and community conversations.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The total anticipated cost for the project is $577,613.00 and is proposed to be split between the DDA and City at 67% / 33% respectively. This results in a cost to the DDA of $387,001.00 and a cost to the City of $190,612.00. Additionally, a 10% contingency is suggested which would total $57,761.00; with the DDA's portion being $38,700.00 and the City's portion being $19,061.00. This brings the City's total anticipated contribution to this effort to be $209,674.00. The City's portion of tasks 1-5 was approved in the FY2024 Major Streets Fund Operations Budget. Task 6 of t...
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