Resolution to Award Contract for the WTP Ozone Building Chiller Replacement Project to Erie Welding & Mechanical Contractors, Inc., ITB 4550 ($474,920.00)
This memorandum and resolution requests approval to award a contract to Erie Welding & Mechanical Contractors, Inc. for the WTP Ozone Generation Building Chiller Replacement Project (CIP No. UT-WS-16-20).
The ozone generation system is the Water Treatment Plant's primary means of disinfection for the City's water supply. The City uses two chillers as part of this process as a means of cooling four ozone generators and their power supplies. Without sufficient cooling, the ozone generators would be inoperable, resulting in the inability of the City to adequately disinfect the water.
The existing chillers are 22 and 18 years old respectively and have reached the end of their useful lives. The 18-year old chiller has been rebuilt several times and is not able to reach its designed cooling capacity. The 22-year old chiller is original to the ozone facility and was oversized for the actual cooling demand. This unit does not operate efficiently and cycles excessively. The two new chillers will be sized to meet the required cooling demands, will incorporate current technology to operate more efficiently, and will restore the cooling capacity needed to operate the disinfection system.
This project is included in the Water Supply System Capital Budget for an estimated cost of $750,000.00. The scope of work for this project includes the demolition, construction, startup, and testing of two new chillers and associated piping, controls, and electrical equipment.
On September 24, 2018, the City received the following six (6) bids for ITB 4550:
Bidder Base Bid
Erie Welding & Mechanical, Inc. $540,400.00
Goyette Mechanical Co. $543,250.00
John E. Greene Co. $574,000....
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