Resolution to Approve the Purchase of 10.1 acres of Parcel Tax ID Number I-09-10-450-001, Located at the Northwest Corner of Nixon and Dhu Varren Roads and Appropriate $39,850.00 from the Open Space and Parkland Preservation Millage Proceeds (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to purchase approximately 10.1 acres of open space land, which consists of a portion of the parcel located at the northwest corner of Nixon and Dhu Varren Roads.
The remaining parcel is currently undergoing a site plan development review (Nixon Farm North), initiated by Toll Brothers. In addition, the parcel immediately to the south is going through a separate site plan development review (Nixon Farm South), also initiated by Toll Brothers. The purchase by the City Parks and Recreation would be conditioned upon Toll Brothers completing the purchase of the sites, which they currently have an executed option on from the Don Nixon estate. Per the request for park dedication during the site plan review, Toll Brothers is willing to donate a 5.9 acre piece of land that contains a portion of the high quality woods and wetlands on the site. The 5.9 acres represents the total acreage requested for the site plans -- Nixon Farm North and Nixon Farm South-- per the formula approved in the PROS Plan, based on density of the proposed developments. This resolution would approve the City Parks to purchase the remaining 10.1 of woods and wetlands on the site, bringing the total to approximately 16 acres of the site to be parkland.
The area to be purchased by the City Parks and Recreation features woodlands, wetlands and watercourses that are substantially intact ecologically. This mature oak-hickory native forest fragment contains many landmark trees and a large buttonbush swamp. This area is connected to Foxfire South Park. The site would be maintained by the Natural Area Preservation staff, consistent with the adjoining and nearby natur...
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