Resolution to Consolidate Precincts Effective for the 2024 Election Cycle
Whereas, Election Day turnout has declined since the approval of Proposition 2018-3 and the implementation of No-Reason Absentee Voting;
Whereas, Voters have the option to vote early for nine days each election beginning in 2024;
Whereas, The Michigan Legislature approved SB 572 and 573, increasing the maximum precinct size to 4,999 active registered electors due to anticipated increased early voting and no-reason absentee voting;
Whereas, Voting behavior on the University of Michigan campus has changed since the implementation of same-day voter registration, resulting in less polling place turnout and more Election Day voting at satellite City Clerk office locations;
Whereas, The City's "Permanent Absent Voter" list has grown to more than 35,000 registered voters since Proposition 18-3 passed;
Whereas, Consolidation of precincts could be accomplished with minimal disruption to voters, often consolidating existing precincts within a single polling location;
Whereas, Consolidation of precincts will not result in any "split-district" precincts; and
Whereas, Consolidation of precincts would allow for efficiencies in equipment and personnel allocation for early voting; and
Whereas, Consolidation of precincts under MCL 168.658 would result in the elimination of six precincts - Three in Ward 1, One in Ward 2, One in Ward 4 and One in Ward 5;
RESOLVED, That the following precinct consolidations be approved:
* Precincts 1 and 12
* Precincts 2 and 3
* Precincts 9 and 11
* Precincts 14 and 15
* Precincts 39 and 40
* Precincts 52 and 53;
RESOLVED, That the new precinct voting boundaries indicated on the attached Precinct Maps and Precinct Descriptions be approved;
RESOLVED, That the new precinct boundaries as indicated on the attached Precinct Map and Precinct Descriptions be effective immediately;
RESOLVED, That the attached polling place assignments and numeric naming of...
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