Resolution to Affirm the City of Ann Arbor's Commitment to the Joint Washtenaw County-City Equity Initiative and Approve a Purchase Order with Washtenaw County for Phase 2 of Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) Engagement (NTE $38,461.50)
On June 9, 2017, the City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County participated in and co-sponsored Phase 1 of training conducted by The Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE). The City and the County are interested in continuing this partnership with Phase 2 of their engagement.
Budget and Fiscal Impact: Costs for Phase 2 of the Joint Initiative would be shared equally between the City and Washtenaw County. Funding for the City share of the costs for Phase 2 of this engagement in the amount of $38,461.50 is available in the City Administrator's FY2018 Contingency Fund.
On July 13, 2017, the Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners approved a Resolution Affirming the County's Commitment to a Joint Washtenaw County - City of Ann Arbor Equity Initiative; Approving the Contract with the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) Group (County Resolution 17-111) and authorized a budget of up to $77,000.
Phase 2 of the engagement proposal, which is attached for reference, includes an "Advancing Racial Equity " series with City and County staff. The overall objectives of the "Advancing Racial Equity in Washtenaw County and the City of Ann Arbor - Phase 2 series are as follows:
? Build organizational commitment and infrastructure across functions of Washtenaw County and the city of Ann Arbor so that there are clear action steps for implementation.
? Increase understanding of the role and responsibility of government in advancing racial equity, including basic racial equity terminology.
? Develop skill at operationalizing racial equity, including using Racial Equity Tools, development of a Racial Equity Action Plan, inclusive outreach and public engagement, workforce equity, and communicating ab...
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