Resolution to Approve Contracts to J. Ranck Electric, Inc. ($1,209,995.00) and Turnkey Network Solutions ($1,050,285.00) for Fiber Optic Network Construction Services (RFP 973), and to Approve Appropriation of Funds ($877,677.00) (8 Votes Required)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to approve a contract with J. Ranck Electric, Inc. for Fiber Optic Network (FON) Construction Services in the amount $1,209,995.00 plus a contingency of $112,337.50; approve a contract with Turnkey Network Solutions for FON Construction Services in the amount of $1,050,285.00 plus a contingency of $112,337.50; increase the Fiber Optic Network Project Budget from $2,500,000.00 to $3,652,567.00, and approve an appropriation of $877,677.00 from the Information Technology operating reserve to fund the project.
Fiscal/Budget Impact: This project budget was originally established with a $2,500,000.00 transfer from CTN franchise fees to the General Capital Projects fund budget (00CP). With the design and engineering now performed, RFP 973 was issued and quotes for construction were obtained. This resolution requests approval of an increase of $1,152,567.00 in the project budget, to $3,652,567.00. To fund $877,677.00 of the increase, an appropriation of $877,677.00 from the Information Technology operating reserve is requested. The remaining $274,890.00 of the $1,152,567.00 increase is for work that will not be authorized or performed until third party funding sources are secured. Contracts for that funding will be brought to City Council for approval.
Authorized spending levels include an estimated $500,000.00 for make-ready and utility pole replacement costs. If these estimated costs are not required, the unspent funds will be returned to fund balance.
Project Costs:
Consulting Services (Approved 7/6/15 by R-15-222) $ 88,500.00
Engineering Design (Approved 12/21/15 by R-15-411) $ 476,256.00
Labor & Material Construct...
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