Resolution to Approve a Grant Application to the USDOT's Safe Streets for All Discretionary Grant Program for Systemwide Transportation Safety Improvements in Ann Arbor
This resolution authorizes an implementation grant application to the US Department of Transportation's Safe Streets for All (SS4A) program for a suite of projects intended to improve transportation safety across the City of Ann Arbor. The SS4A program supports Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg's National Roadway Safety Strategy and the Department's goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on our nation's roadways.
In order to qualify for an implementation grant, a community must have an adopted safety action plan. With Council's adoption of the "Moving Together Towards Vision Zero" Transportation Master Plan, the City of Ann Arbor qualifies to pursue these implementation dollars.
The program supports activities such as: applying low-cost roadway safety treatments; transforming a roadway corridor; installing pedestrian safety enhancements and closing network gaps; supporting the development of bikeway networks; carrying out speed management strategies; promoting the adoption of innovative technologies or strategies to promote safety; evaluating and improving the safety of intersections; among others as detailed on the grant website (https://www.transportation.gov/grants/SS4A). Ann Arbor's proposed grant includes the following elements (subject to change as the grant writing process unfolds):
* Sidewalks
* Accessible pedestrian signals
* Crosswalk upgrades, including streetlights
* Eisenhower Park path connector
* Pedestrian signal performance measures
* Bike parking
* Protected bike lanes, bicycle boulevards, and other bike network safety improvements
* Citywide speed reduction
* Education campaign
* Signal upgrades and near miss analytics
* Traffic calming
* Quick build projects
* Micro-mobility enhancements
* Program support and management
Applications to the SS4...
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