Resolution to Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Fiberlink, Inc. for Fiber Optic Network (FON) Design and Engineering Services (Total Contract NTE $476,256.00)
Attached for your review and consideration is a resolution to approve a Professional Services Agreement with Fiberlink, Inc. in the amount Not-To-Exceed $476,256.00, for FON Design and Engineering Services.
Fiscal/Budget Impact: This expenditure is planned for and budgeted in the FY2016 Information Technology Services Fund budget under Capital projects.
Currently, the City of Ann Arbor has an agreement to use an aerial fiber optic network (a/k/a INET), owned by Comcast, which provides network connectivity to more than 30 public, education, and government sites throughout the City. Network connectivity to these sites is crucial to efficient and effective City operations.
The primary goal is to design, construct and replace the current Comcast INET with a City-owned institutional network (called A2-INET) within a two-year timeframe before the agreement expires on August 5, 2017.
The City is in need of FON Design and Engineering Services in order to replace the existing Comcast INET with A2INET that is capable of providing high-speed connectivity to locations throughout the City of Ann Arbor.
Once constructed, A2-INET will accommodate current and future City operations by providing a resilient core network capability allowing for growth, expansion and scalability. The A2-INET FON will also provide the City additional benefits including:
* Facilitate collaboration, reduce long-term expenses, and reduce operational risks;
* Leveraging current inside-plant network infrastructure, if feasible;
* Leveraging partner organization networks, if feasible; and
* Providing a secure, scalable, resilient network that is readily expandable
In mid-September, 2015, a request for proposal for Fiber Optic Network Design and Engineering Services was issued (RFP-9...
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