Resolution to Reallocate $100,500.00 from the Resident-Driven Sidewalk Gap Filling Program to the Barton Drive Improvement Project and the Jackson Avenue Sidewalk Gap Project (8 Votes Required)
At its November 18, 2019 meeting, City Council passed Resolution No. R-19-525 to create a Resident-Driven Sidewalk Gap Filling Program. This Resolution also appropriated $150,000.00 from the General Fund, Fund Balance to this program for fiscal year 2020.
City Staff is currently in the process of creating the program that was outlined in R-19-525. While it is anticipated that this work will be substantially completed by the end of the current fiscal year, it is unlikely and impractical that any projects will be able to be approved through this program and constructed in the current fiscal year.
Therefore, staff is recommending that a portion of the funding appropriated to the Resident-Driven Sidewalk Gap Filling Program be reallocated to two existing sidewalk gap projects, which are currently under design and already planned for construction in 2020. This would allow the funding appropriated to this program to be used for the intended purpose of filling sidewalk gaps and providing a cost-sharing opportunity for property owners that would otherwise bear a greater share of the cost of constructing the sidewalks.
To be consistent with the terms outlined in Resolution R-19-525, staff suggests that funding be reallocated to the following projects in order to offset approximately 50% of the expected special assessment costs for adjacent property owners:
Barton Drive Improvements Project, District #55 $32,000.00
Barton Drive Improvements Project, District #60 $13,000.00
Jackson Ave. Sidewalk Gap Project, District #61 $55,500.00
Total $100,500.00
The remaining funding in the Resident-Driven Sidewalk Gap Filling Program will be utilized to cover staff time for continuing to establish the program criteria, and once established, begin processing...
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