Resolution to Award a Contract to The Davey Tree Expert Company for Routine Street Tree Pruning ($666,675.00, Bid No. ITB-4507)
Attached for your review and action is a resolution to approve a $666,675.00 contract with Davey Tree Expert Company for routine street tree pruning.
The tree pruning activities under this contract focus on pruning street trees to manage tree health, develop/improve structure, mitigate risk, provide clearance, and improve aesthetics. The work completed through this contract will initiate a routine street tree pruning cycle as described in the Urban and Community Forest Management Plan (UCFMP) adopted by City Council in June 2014 (R-14-0696).
Routine tree pruning is an important component of a sustainable urban and community forest management program. Trees pruned on a routine basis develop proper form and structure leading to a variety of benefits, including:
• Lower cost per tree trimmed compared to reactive pruning done in response to storm damage, sight clearance or immediate hazards
• Early identification and correction of insect/disease problems leading to less tree mortality
• Reduction in storm related tree damage
• Lower future maintenance costs
• Reduction in tree-related service requests and improved customer service
• Development of a healthy and sustainable urban and community forest
The city was divided into six tree pruning areas, as detailed in the bid documents, ITB 4507; bidders were required to bid on all six areas. Three responsive bids were received and opened on August 1, 2017. The Davey Tree Expert Company was selected as the winning bidder, based on their knowledge and experience pruning trees as part of a municipal street tree pruning cycle.
The City aimed to initiate a 7-year routine street tree pruning cycle (Target #3 of the UCFMP), pruning approximately 6,200 street trees per year; however, bids received exceeded the FY18 budget. With this contract, The Davey Tree Expert Company will prune an estimated 4,000 trees, to be determined by City staff, in 3 of the 6 tree pruning areas (1A, 14B and 19A) as identified in the bid documents. The three areas selected for pruning in Year 1 of the cycle were the areas to be pruned in FY03, when the routine pruning cycle was stopped to address the emerald ash borer crisis.
Based on current bid prices and the approved FY18 street tree pruning program budget, staff anticipates it will take approximately 10-years to complete a full street tree pruning cycle, pruning ~4,200 trees per year (see maps). Following completion of the first full 10-year pruning cycle, with the anticipated benefits stated above, it is anticipated that the target for subsequent full pruning cycles will be 7 years, as stated in the UCFMP.
Sustainability Framework
The work completed under this contract helps move the City towards fully implementing recommendation #1 of the Urban and Community Forest Management Plan, to implement a proactive routine maintenance program. In addition, it will help further goals in the City’s Sustainability Framework, including Sustainable Systems, Clean Air and Water, and Healthy Ecosystem.
Budget/Fiscal Impacts
Funding is available for routine street tree pruning in the approved FY18 Stormwater Fund Operations and Maintenance Budget.
The resolution includes a 5% contingency in the amount of $33,325.00 to cover potential change orders to be approved by the City Administrator.
Prepared by: Kerry Gray, Urban Forestry & Natural Resources Planning Coordinator, Systems Planning
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Ann Arbor’s urban and community forest is a defining and valued characteristic of the city that residents call “Tree Town,” making it a desirable place to live, work and play;
Whereas, Routine tree pruning is an important component of a sustainable urban and community forest management program, and initiation of a routine street tree pruning cycle is a recommendation of the City Council adopted Urban and Community Forest Management Plan;
Whereas, Competitive bids for routine street tree pruning were received by Purchasing on August 1, 2017;
Whereas, The Davey Tree Expert Company, submitted a bid that offered the most advantageous combination of low price and highest qualifications/experience in performing tree pruning as part of a municipal street tree pruning program;
Whereas, The Davey Tree Expert Company complies with the City non-discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances;
Whereas, The contract cost of $700,000.00 is available in the approved FY18 Stormwater Fund Operations and Maintenance budget;
RESOLVED, That a contract in the amount of $666,675.00 be awarded to The Davey Tree Expert Company for routine street tree pruning along city street rights-of-way in select areas of the city;
RESOLVED, That a contract contingency in the amount of $33,325.00 (5%) be established and the City Administrator be authorized to approve change orders to the contract with The Davey Tree Expert Company, in order to satisfactorily complete this project;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute said contract after approval as to form by the City Attorney and approval as to substance by the City Administrator; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.