Resolution to Approve an Increase to the Saladino Construction Co. Inc. Purchase Order for Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs ITB #4393 ($154,200.00)
Approval is requested to increase the Purchase Order with Saladino Construction Co. Inc. by $154,200.00 to complete needed repairs to the landfill roadway, pour a concrete floor and 2 ramps to a new cart storage facility at Leslie Park Golf Course, and increase the current contingency amount by $5,400.00 for a new contract contingency of $33,927.50. The current reduced traffic activities at the Transfer Station and MRF create an optimum time to complete the roadway repairs. The concrete additions at Leslie Park Golf Course are needed for the new cart storage facility.
Public Works competitively bid “Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs”, ITB 4393 in July of 2015. Work under the contract is done on an as needed basis. Saladino Construction Co. Inc., was the successful bidder and on August 6, 2015, City Council approved R-15-264 authorizing a two-year contract with Saladino Construction Co. Inc. for Miscellaneous Concrete Repairs in the amount of $285,275.00 each year, with a contingency amount of $28,527.50. Public Works is seeking an additional $154,200.00 in the first year for the repairs to the landfill roadway and to pour a new concrete pad and ramps for the new cart storage facility at Leslie Park Golf Course, for a total amount of $439,475.00. Public Works is also seeking an increase of $5,400.00 to the contingency amount for a total of $33,927.50.
Budget/Fiscal Impact:
Sufficient funds for this additional concrete work, including contingencies, is available in the approved Solid Waste and Parks Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage Capital Budgets.
Prepared by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Unit Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, The current reduced traffic activities at the Transfer Station and MRF create an optimum time to complete needed road repairs;
Whereas, A new concrete pad and ramps are needed for at Leslie Park Golf Course;
Whereas, Saladino Construction Co. was the lowest responsible bidder for Miscellaneous Concrete Repair, ITB 4393;
Whereas, Additional spending authority on the existing purchase order for the first year of the contract is necessary to complete the landfill roadway repairs and to install new concrete at Leslie Park Golf Course;
Whereas, Saladino Construction Co. Inc. complies with the Conflict of Interest, Non-Discrimination and Living Wage Ordinances; and
Whereas, Funding for the additional concrete work is available in the approved Solid Waste Fund and Park Maintenance and Capital Improvements Millage Capital Budgets;
RESOLVED, That City Council approves an increase of the purchase order to Saladino Construction Co. Inc. in the amount of $154,200.00 for the current contract period, for a total amount of $439,475.00;
RESOLVED, That the contingency amount be increased by $5,400.00 for a new total contingency amount of $33,927.50 to cover potential change orders to the contract, subject to the approval of the City Administrator;
RESOLVED, That the funds be available for the life of the contract without regard to fiscal year; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.