Resolution to Amend FY2018 Budget Resolution and Authorize the Addition of Two Full-Time Employee Positions within the Sustainability and Innovation Office of the Systems Planning Unit of the Public Services Area (7 Votes Required)
Please find attached for your consideration a resolution that authorizes the addition of two full-time employee positions within the Sustainability and Innovation Office of the Systems Planning Unit of the Public Service Area, and amends the Resolution to Adopt Ann Arbor City Budget and Related Property Tax Millage Rates for Fiscal
Year 2018 (R-17-178) that was approved by City Council on May 15, 2017.
Sustainability is an integral part of government operations, is a community and City Council priority, and has been adopted as an element of the City’s Master Plan. Currently, the sustainability and innovation office consists of two full-time employees and two temporary employees. The authorization of the two full-time positions will be used to transition from the use of the existing two temporary positions to the use of these additional full-time positions. This transition will allow continuity and give the City the ability to raise the visibility of our existing sustainability programs and the development of additional sustainability programs.
Because the addition of these two full-time positions increases the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions from 740 to 742, an amendment of that number in Resolution R-17-178 is necessary.
Budget/Fiscal Impact
During the FY18 budget process, available funding for these positions ($165,000.00) was added to the budget as a recurring general fund operating cost; therefore, this requires no additional funding requirement.
Because only an amendment to the budget resolution is requested, and no appropriation of funds is required, seven votes are required to approve this resolution, matching the number of votes required to adopt the May 15, 2017, budget resolution (Resolution R-17-178) it amends.
Prepared by: Marti Praschan, Public Services Chief of Staff
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Sustainability and innovation are community and City Council priorities;
Whereas, Converting from the use of two existing temporary employee positions to the use of two additional full-time positions will allow for greater continuity and advancement of sustainability programs;
Whereas, Amendment of the Resolution to Adopt Ann Arbor City Budget and Related Property Tax Millage Rates for Fiscal 2018 (R-17-178) is necessary to increase the authorized number of full-time equivalent positions; and
Whereas, Recurring funding is available in the approved FY18 general fund operating budget to fund these two full-time positions;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve amendment of the seventh and eighth Resolved clauses of Resolution R-17-178 to change in each the number of full-time equivalent positions from 740 to 742;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the addition of two full-time employee positons within the Sustainability and Innovations Office of the Systems Planning Unit of the Public Services Area; and
RESOLVED, That Council authorize the City Administrator to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.