Resolution to Approve 143 Hill Street Planned Project Site Plan, 139 and 143 Hill Street (CPC Recommendation: Approval -8 Yeas and 0 Nays)
Approval of this resolution will allow for the construction of a four-unit, 24 bedroom apartment building.
Petition Summary:
• The Site Plan proposes to demolish two single-family homes and construct a 9,028 square foot apartment building with four units. Seven off-street parking spaces will be provided with access from Adams Street. A planned project is requested to decrease the required Hill Street front setback to match the historic front setback and that of the neighboring structure to the west.
• The petitioner is requesting a planned project modification to decrease the required front setback on Hill Street from 29’ to 18’. The petitioner indicates there is a public benefit provided by improving pedestrian orientation and addressing the existing context on Hill Street, which has 10’ to 18’ front setbacks.
• The petitioner addressed issues raised by Planning Commission by agreeing to use a hooded bulb on the parking lot light pole and adding rip rap along the edge of the rain garden.
The City Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 18, 2017, recommended approval of this request.
Attachments: 4/18/17 Planning Staff Report
4/18/17 Planning Commission Minutes
Prepared By: Jill Thacher, City Planner
Reviewed By: Brett Lenart, Planning Manager
Derek Delacourt, Community Services Area Administrator
Approved By: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, Miller Building LLC has requested site plan approval in order to construct a four-unit apartment building;
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, on April 18, 2017, recommended approval of the planned project modifications to allow an 18’ front setback on Hill Street (29’ is required);
Whereas, The Ann Arbor City Planning Commission, on April 18, 2017, recommended approval of the petition;
Whereas, With the planned project modifications, the development would comply with the R4C zoning established pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 55, and with all applicable local, state, or federal laws, ordinances, standards and regulations;
Whereas, The development would limit the disturbance of natural features to the minimum necessary to allow a reasonable use of the land, applying criteria for reviewing a natural features statement of impact set forth in Chapter 57; and
Whereas, The development would not cause a public or private nuisance and would not have a detrimental effect on the public health, safety and welfare;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the 143 Hill Street Planned Project modification to decrease the Hill Street front setback from 29’ to 18’ to match the existing context of front setbacks on Hill Street (10’ to 18’);
RESOLVED, That City Council find this modification provides an arrangement of buildings which provides a public benefit for pedestrian orientation; and
RESOLVED, That City Council approve the 143 Hill Street Planned Project Site Plan.