Resolution to Proceed with a Road Reconfiguration Pilot for Green Road, from Burbank Drive to Plymouth Road
This is a resolution to approve the pilot road reconfiguration, safety improvements, and non-motorized system expansion project along Green Road from Burbank Drive to Plymouth Road as called for in the City’s Non-Motorized Plan. The project would be completed as part of the surface treatment project, which was approved by Council and is to be completed Summer 2019.
The road reconfiguration is illustrated in the attachment (Attachment A) and would include the following:
• Narrowing of vehicular lanes to 10’ width to encourage slower speeds.
• Reduce the number of vehicular lanes, between Burbank Drive and Commonwealth Boulevard, from four to three. The revised cross section will include one vehicular through lane and one bicycle lane northbound, one vehicular through lane and one bicycle lane southbound, and a two-way left turn lane. A northbound right turn lane will be added at Burbank Drive. A southbound right turn lane will be added at Commonwealth.
• Extend the two lanes southbound on Green up to Commonwealth.
• Reduce the number of northbound lanes, between Plymouth Road and Commonwealth Boulevard, from two to one.
• The reduced lane width and lane reduction will allow the continuation of the buffered bicycle lanes between Burbank Boulevard and Plymouth Road with intermittent advisory bike lanes to accommodate certain turn lanes.
• The southbound Green Road approach to Plymouth Road will maintain the dual left turn lanes, dedicated through lane, and dedicated right turn lane.
• The proposed changes will fill gaps in bicycle infrastructure along the length of Green Road.
The attached report (Attachment B) provides some more detailed information about the existing conditions and anticipated impact of the project. The street currently serves an average daily vehicular traffic volume of 7,500 vehicles and a peak hour volume of 1,233 vehicles. The proposed design is expected to have a minimal impact to vehicular level of service or volume to capacity ratios while improving the user experience for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Concepts were taken through a series of public engagement processes to solicit feedback. The project was discussed with the Transportation Commission on February 20, 2019 and May 15, 2019, and received a favorable recommendation. City Council referred the matter back to the Transportation Commission which gave a positive recommendation on July 17, 2019 after contemplating additional information provided by staff (Attachment D). Additionally, the Transportation Commission provided an additional statement clarifying their position (Attachment E).
Staff created a website which was used to share information about the project (<<https://www.a2gov.org/departments/engineering/Pages/Green-Road-Reconfiguration-Project-.aspx>>). A public open house was held on May 9, 2019, and an online survey was available May 15 - May 29, 2019. The responses received from the public engagement efforts can be found in the attached report (Attachment C) and are summarized as follows:
• The majority of respondents placed importance on driver and passenger safety improvements: 55% Important/Very Important;
• Approximately, half of respondents placed importance on pedestrian and bicyclist safety improvements: 50% Important/Very Important;
• The majority showed lower support for testing the lane conversion and bike lanes: 41% Support/Highly Support; and
• The majority showed lower support for testing the lane reconfiguration at Plymouth Road, 14%, 31%, and 12% Support/Highly Support for Options A, B, and C, respectively.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: There are no identified budget/fiscal impacts for implementation. The proposed striping plan would be implemented under the current surface treatment contract approved by Council and would be completed during Summer 2019. It should be noted that new pavement markings associated with the bicycle lane will need to be maintained; therefore, adding additional operational efforts and costs, yet to be determined.
Prepared by: Raymond Hess, Transportation Manager
Reviewed by: Craig Hupy, Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Howard S. Lazarus, City Administrator
Whereas, In March 2011, Council adopted Resolution R-11-088 which asserted the City’s commitment to Complete Streets and how the transportation network should serve all users of the corridor;
Whereas, In November 2013, Council adopted Resolution R-13-369 as an update to the Non-motorized Transportation Plan, reflecting a continued interest in pursuing a variety of policies that encourage non-motorized travel, including lane conversions/”road diets”;
Whereas, In 2018, via the National Citizen Survey, when Ann Arbor residents were asked about tradeoffs between drive times and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists, residents responded with an overwhelming preference for increasing drive times to reduce crashes, injuries and deaths;
Whereas, The surface treatment project presents cost-effective opportunities to make potential changes to road configurations;
Whereas, Green Road, from Burbank Drive to Commonwealth Boulevard, is currently configured as two northbound vehicle lanes and two southbound vehicle lanes; while Green Road, from Commonwealth Boulevard to Plymouth Road, is currently configured as two northbound vehicle lanes, two southbound vehicle lanes, and one two-way left turn lane;
Whereas, Analysis was performed by City staff to determine feasibility for a road diet on this segment, based on guidance from FHWA Road Diet Information Guide and MDOT Road Diet Checklist;
Whereas, Based on the analysis performed by City staff, Green Road, from Burbank Drive to Commonwealth Boulevard, is proposed to be configured as one northbound vehicle lane, one southbound vehicle lane, and two bicycle lanes with a northbound right turn lane at Burbank Drive and a southbound right turn lane at Commonwealth Boulevard; while Green Road, from Commonwealth Boulevard to Plymouth Road, is proposed to be configured as one northbound vehicle lane, two southbound vehicle lanes, one two-way left turn lane which transitions to two left turn lanes at Plymouth Road, one right turn lane at Plymouth Road, and two buffered bicycle lanes;
Whereas, City staff presented the above plans to the Transportation Commission on February 20, 2019 and May 15, 2019 at which time they recommended approval of the resolution and again on July 17, 2019 at which time they recommended approval; and
Whereas, Public input was received on the project at a public meeting on May 9, 2019 as well as from an online survey which was available for completion from May 15-29, 2019;
RESOLVED, That City Council hereby adopts the proposed pilot road reconfiguration of Green Road, from Burbank Drive to Plymouth Road; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary administrative actions to implement this resolution.