Downtown Area Citizens Advisory Council Meeting Minutes for September 4, 2018
Members Present: Ray Detter, Carolyn Arcure, Peter Honeyman, Members Absent: John Chamberlin, Hugh Sonk, Kathleen Nolan, Don Duquette, Joan French, Chaz Stucken
Guests Present: Joe Arcure, Christine Crockett, Jeff Crockett, Charles Bultman, Susan Pollay, Doug Kelbaugh, David Diephuis, Ann Schriber, Ty Buffington, Mary Hathaway
Everyone attending last night’s CAC meeting agreed that there is a lot going on in the downtown and near downtown neighborhoods. We asked Susan Pollay to review the DDA changes that were approved by City Council on August 9 and pending-including plans for “Safe Streets,” re-creating Ashley and First into two-way streets, William Street into a bicycle route from State to Third, redesign of Huron from Third to Division, and hoped-for approval of additions to the Ann Ashley Parking Structure.
But that was just the start. Going around the table, all 12 of us were asked to comment on what interested or most concerned us at this time. Although a few of us expressed an interest in very specific issues-public safety, clean alleys, traffic, well-lit streets, etc. most of us were concerned with large scale pending or possible development plans---Broadway Park and the entire former DTE site-hotel, three condo buildings, housing. And, of course, location of a future Railroad Depot (most supported the current Depot site).
Everyone expressed interest in Peter Allen’s recently circulated “A@ 2020: An Action Plan to Jumpstart Discussion-For Workforce Housing Solutions, City Center Development Master Planning Opportunities & An Expanded Treeline Trail).
Note: “to Jumpstart Discussion”. Many maps, models, design strategies for the Treeline, possible future location for the downtown District Library, workforce and Market Rate Housing, Grocery, Library, Transit Center and Plaza. Also, the possible creation of a Riverfront Tax Increment Financing (TIF)I District.
And, of course, the future of the Library Block-Library Board meets on Monday, September 17, 7:00 pm. We should all try to attend that meeting.
We intend to review Peter’s discussion topics again.