Resolution to Award a Construction Contract for Compost Pad Replacement to E.T. Mackenzie Company in the amount of $249,900.00 (ITB No. 4699)
Attached for your approval is a resolution authorizing a construction contract with E.T. Mackenzie Company for $249,900.00 for compost pad replacement project.
Periodic repairs and replacement of the compost pad are necessary to ensure that the site functions as designed. This project includes removal and replacement of the top layer of pad in three areas, repairs to the pad in other areas where replacement isn’t necessary, and as-needed grading work to improve drainage.
ITB No. 4699, Compost Pad Replacement, was advertised on the City’s Website and on the Bidnet website. Two (2) bids were received and publicly opened on November 30, 2021. E.T. MacKenzie was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder.
Company |
Total Bid |
E.T. Mackenzie Company |
$249,900.00 |
Great Lakes Contracting Solutions, LLC |
$444,538.00 |
E.T. Mackenzie Company submitted all required Responsible Contractor Criteria, Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms; and complies with the requirements of the City’s Responsible Bidder, Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage ordinances.
Budget/Fiscal Impact: The FY 2022-2027 Capital Improvements Plan included this project under Compost Pad Replacement (MF-SW-20-01). Total project costs including inspection and testing is $325,000.00. Funding for the compost pad replacement is included in the approved Solid Waste Capital Budget.
Prepared by: Paul Matthews, Public Works Assistant Manager
Reviewed by: Molly Maciejewski, Public Works Unit Manager
Brian Steglitz, Interim Public Services Area Administrator
Approved by: Milton Dohoney Jr., Interim City Administrator
Whereas, Improvements to the compost pad are necessary to ensure that the site functions as designed;
Whereas, Two (2) bids (ITB No. 4699) for Compost Pad Replacement were received on November 30, 2021;
Whereas, E.T. Mackenzie Company was determined to be the lowest responsible bidder;
Whereas, Funding is available in the Approved Solid Waste Capital Budget; and
Whereas, E.T. Mackenzie Company has submitted all required Responsible Contractor Criteria, Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, Living Wage, and Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms and complies with the requirements of the City’s Responsible Bidder, Non-Discrimination, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage ordinances;
RESOLVED, That City Council approve a construction contract with E.T. Mackenzie Company in the amount of $249,900.00 for Compost Pad Replacement (ITB No. 4699);
RESOLVED, That a contingency amount of $25,000.00 be established within the project budget and that the City Administrator be authorized to approve change orders to the construction contract with E.T. Mackenzie Company, not to exceed that amount, in order to satisfactorily complete the project;
RESOLVED, That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the contract with E.T. Mackenzie Company, subject to approval by the City Administrator as to substance and subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form; and
RESOLVED, That the City Administrator be authorized to take the necessary actions to implement this resolution.